We often get asked the same types of questions about our service and how the funeral process works when ordering a willow coffin. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Cradle to Grave. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us and we will answer any question or concern you may have.
What is involved when trying to arrange a willow coffin funeral?
Firstly, have a look at some of the examples on our website then call us to discuss your needs, coffin shape, willow colours, nameplaque, and of course whether your coffin is for cremation or burial. We phone the undertaker for the inside measurements of the coffin and the date of the funeral so we can get the coffin made in time, sort and soak the willow, weave the coffin in two days and deliver the coffin to your desired location.
Can your willow coffins be used at a cremation?
All our hand made willow coffins are suitable for cremations, burials, woodland burials and green burials.
How long does it take to make and deliver a willow coffin?
It normally takes us 2 days to create the coffin and 1 -2 days to deliver your willow coffin within the UK, although in exceptional circumstances we can shorten this time.
Don’t I have to order through my funeral director?
You do not have to buy your willow coffin through your funeral director. It is advisable to let them know your intentions as soon as possible. Many people have chosen to buy a from Cradle to Grave as they realise that they are going to receive a hand made bespoke coffin, lovingly crafted, using sustainable materials sourced from the Somerset levels.
How much does a hand made willow coffin actually cost?
Because all our coffins are bespoke the price can vary, but most of our popular designs are available starting at about £150 for a small child coffin and about £595 for an adult coffin.
I see that you make nameplates. Are these necessary?
The majority of cemeteries and all crematoriums require a nameplate for the coffin. They must at least contain the legal name of the person that has passed away but can also contain additional information. please contact us and we can guide you through the process.
What makes you different from other providers of this kind of service?
We make coffins individually for the person who has passed. We invite the family members over to help make the coffin and get them as involved as they want to be. We treat them with with kindness and gentleness. I always try to imagine what it must be like and put myself in the person's shoes who's lost their loved one, so I can try and understand how they are feeling. We work from a beautiful yurt in our back garden and invite families round to look at coffins and to come sit in the yurt, drink tea and eat cake. We are very compassionate towards our customers.
How do you deal with the sensitive nature of what you are providing?
We always try to imagine what it must be like for relatives and friends of the deceased. I just try to be myself really, just be kind to the people and let them talk, let them tell me about their loved one. We have such a passion for our craft and empathy for the families and believe in what we are doing. I feel that I have a calling for this type of work.
Apart from flowers are there any creations you like to make to adorn the coffins that people have appreciated and why?
We have created Willow dragonflies and Willow butterflies to go on top of our coffins. Dragonflies and butterflies symbolise the angels carrying the person up to heaven, so creating them just seems a fitting thing to do and the nicer you can make the coffin and put on the little extras I just think it really helps the family to come to terms with their loss.